Margaret Garcia Studio’s Highland Park Art Workshop


PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORKSHOPS: This a safe place to find yourself. I am here for encouragement, feedback, technical advice and so are the other people attending. You will be provided with direction which you are not obligated to take. There are no grades. Participants may and often have differing points of view you are here to develop your own point of view. Good music, Good Energy, mellow conversation, a library of Art. Beginners and Professionals, sometimes we are always beginning. We often have a portrait model, sometimes a still-life.

Workshops are held in my studio at 4022 N. Figueroa St. 90065. The cost is $20 a session or sweat equity. If you are interested in joining a workshop, email me for current time and date.


When attending my workshop for the first time I only ask that the person buy one tube of dioxin purple, a filbert brush and a canvas. That way they can try out the session and see if they have the heart to spend money and make a commitment. After the first session I give them the supply list. This is that list:


Oil colors:


Dioxine Purple

Alizarim Crimson

Cadmium Red Deep

Cadmium Red Medium

Cadmium Orange

Cadmium Yellow Deep

Cadmium Yellow Medium

Cadmium Yellow light.

Phtalo Green

Phtalo Blue

Ultramarine Blue

You can buy a tube of white but you won’t use it for a while. No Black, No Umbers, No Siennas, No designer flesh tones, No Naples yellow. You can buy expensive, though not necessary cobalts, and other high key color Radiance, which I love, but best to focus on understanding those colors first.

A newsprint pad and pencils, is always good to have, nothing expensive.

Three different sizes of filbert brushes, one the size of tip of your index finger. In the beginning you will prefer soft. As you get into more color and perhaps thicker paint you will want to load the brush more and will need a bristle filbert.

Turpenoid: bring your own, also a jar or metal can so you can to carry it in.

I have rags but you are always welcomed to add your old t -shirts to it.

Some people have portable easels they use, but I have some easels first come first serve.

Also once you get into color you will need a medium. I recommend Liquin. There are many mediums and sometimes the kits come with them.


Above is the plein air artist collective Local Color formed from Margaret’s weekly workshops. Feel free to join this band of artists on weekly plein air sessions throughout Los Angeles and Ventura counties.